Monday, April 28, 2008

Saving Money

When it comes to managing finances, most people would probably receive an F. The truth is, many of us were never taught the basics of money, how it works, and how to handle it. Here are some tips to help get you on your way to better money management.
Handling Your Money
Invent games to play with your money. For example, set aside certain bills or coins and see how long you can keep a $20 (or whatever denomination you choose) without breaking it for gum, a magazine, or some other frivolous item. Have a spare change jar and empty it into your savings account each month. At the end of every day, empty out your wallet and put the change in your jar. Don t limit it to just coins, toss in those few bills that are lingering in there as well.
Never spend a windfall. Take your income-tax refund (which should be minimal, if you follow the tip below), money gifts, bonuses, rebates, overpayment refunds and any other unexpected money and put it into your savings or investments. Make this money earn money for you.
Use direct deposit and automatic withdrawals to move money out of your checking account into savings or investments on a regular basis, such as every paycheck. You will learn to live on less when you think you have less to spend. Fool yourself into saving.
Avoid Overpayments and Fees
Don t give the government a free loan by overpaying your taxes. Every time you get a refund from the IRS that is a sign that you overpaid your taxes and gave the government an interest-free loan for up to a year. Adjust your withholding allowances and try to get your refund down to less than $100. Your paycheck may go up a bit in the mean time so be sure to put that extra money in the bank for future purchases or emergency savings.
Avoid unnecessary fees. ATM fees, service charges, and late fees all add up to quite a bit over the course of a year. These fees are rarely worth the reason they were charged. A little planning/budgeting can usually circumvent these fees. Also avoid insurance charges when renting a car. Most credit cards have car rental insurance as a feature of the card. Check with your card issuer for the terms and conditions of rental car insurance.
Keep your checkbook and accounts balanced. You should always have a pretty good idea of how much money is available in your account. Purposely writing bad checks can land you in jail. Inadvertently writing them can sack you with overdraft fees from your bank as well as returned check fees from the store or company you wrote the bad check to.
Buy on sale as often as possible. When you want something wait a week to see if it is going to come on sale. Or ask the store when the item will be on sale. Buy clothing out of season for the best bargains.
Haggle. You never know when someone will be willing to lower their prices or throw in something extra. Just ask. It may be hard to find a person who can make a pricing decision but when you do, give it a try and see what happens.
Throw away your mail order catalogs. Don t even look at them. Looking leads to wanting and wanting to buying. Most catalog purchases go on your credit cards and that is the last place where you want to rack up debt for what is usually more junk. Remove yourself from their mailing lists (which lists are often shared with other mail order companies). In addition, when filling out customer response cards (such as for warranties, etc.) give only the basic information they need such as name and address; skip the "getting to know you" questions. The answers to those questions are farmed out to mail order companies, increasing your junk mail even more.
Use coupons, apply for free samples, stock up on sales (if you have some extra money to do so), shop discount stores, day-old bakeries/items. Buy store-brand over name-brand items. Forgo brand loyalty in favor of better prices. For the most part, the most expensive part of a product is its packaging, so don t be swayed by fancy designs in beautiful colors.
Shop less frequently. Each time you go to the store, you increase your chances of purchasing an impulse item. Try to limit your grocery shopping to once a week and prepare a list beforehand and stick to your list. You ll be amazed at how much this little tip can save!
Investing the time to learn how better to manage your money is an important step toward gaining financial freedom. Improving money handling, avoiding unnecessary payment of fees, and shopping more wisely are all integral parts of better money management. Take the time to implement some of these tips and watch your money grow!
Chemain Evans is a quality control specialist for Simple Joe, Inc. Income & Expenses PC software is a Simple Joe product that is a quick and simple way to keep track of your expenses and stay within your budget. Learn more at

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How to upload large file in php?

I have one goal Mmy form was to download large files from a local drive to server.but, when I click on the Send button " & quot; she did not download the file without showing any mistakes. Then Ii looking for a way out of the web site and for that I solutionthen find a solution by changing environment of php.ini
To find ound where php.ini file, is to run this small code

and search " configuration file (php.ini) Path & quot; row To be in the reception window and that that will contain the path php.ini file in your PC
and in the php.ini file, change the size of a variable, as for requirement
upload max filesize = (size) M
post max size = (size) M
new in php 5
max input time = (Value) / / in second
max input time variable, which specifies the duration in seconds, to obtain baseline data using POST, GET and PUT. If your application is running at a slower link,
it sometimes useful to explore and increase this value to allow more time scenario to obtain baseline data. or you can change this variable in the perspective of time through programme
ini set (& 39; post max size & 39;, 9 M & 39;)
now post max size variable 9 MB set.
string through ini set (line varname, newvalue line)
now I added checks on the client side to restrict the user to download a particular file size.

use this hidden variable, and its value contain how many bytes be allowed upload.
if you want to save the file to the database Long blog type.
set variable
max allowed packet = (byte)
The above steps My problem is solved, and I can download large files without any obstacle ..
Author: According to Jayesh Sorathia Jayesh Sorathia works as a junior programmer at Semaphore Infotech Pvt. Ltd, India. He has 8 months of experience. You can contact by e-mail:

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How Spyware Protection Can Save You And Your Computer

Spyware protection is the first priority among computer users worldwide, and anti-spyware companies can cash in on this opportunity.
Despite few precautions taken by large companies and other institutions, spyware is almost never stop trying to storm whose - then the computer. Spyware protection is easy because the market is flooded several anti-spyware programs that are available at a reasonable price. Spyware writers and affect one set all questions about what for them is that they make money, even if it is illegal. We must remember that most of them are very advanced writing programs, and sometimes it does not traceable.
We should also keep check on our internet habits. Being haphazard and spending, as well as to check undesirable sites are all normal, because it eventually your life. But be careful deleting files and use web stories can be smart thing to do. For example, if you want spyware protection, but still access certain websites with a credit card, you can easily track and even the misuse of your information. To remove spyware will only consume some time your time.
Spyware protection only to the extent of its interest. You can safe guard their personal information and do not have sleepless nights if you think someone is stalking you or stealing your work files. Spyware removal must be common at present in almost all households with PCs. Imagine that there are several million users worldwide. We send an e-mail from one corner of the world to another. It also means someone sitting in other corners of the world can access your confidential information.
If spyware writer can be a genius to write programs to steal millions of personal data, as well as sell them to advertising companies, he makes millions of dollars to not going nowhere. As unfair as it seems, you must also take spyware protection and as much as possible to keep intruders from your home.
Have timetable fixed once a week, preferably to scan your computer and regularly monitor any new spyware that may have entered the system. Keep in mind that some spyware protection programs will leave some remnants after the cleaning process, and you& 39;ll have to repeat the process several times to keep your computer clean.
We absolutely must all try not to be selfish, as well as others about such information as we can in order that innocent victims do not become a victim of this ugly scenario of identity theft, strangers.
Spyware disposal information is online resource, providing for detailed information on Anti Spyware software, which is an indispensable tool to keep your system free of dangerous spywares, protect the confidentiality and the PC. You& 39;ll get a huge technical information about antispyware programs to remove spyware.

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